Category Archives: insignificance

Distribution: Please distribute to all law enforcement personnel – Police Week 2011

As always, I want to say thank you to everyone who has made it possible for me to distribute this message. I cannot express my gratitude enough for your assistance. I also want to thank you, the reader. I cannot personally give you a pat on the back or buy you lunch. However, I can let you know that people DO care.

May 15-21 this year is Police Week. It was designated by President Kennedy in “recognition of the service given by the men and women who, night and day, stand guard in our midst to protect us through enforcement of our laws”.

During this note, I would like to talk a bit about significance. Significance can be a very broad term, and like beauty, it can be in “the eye of the beholder”. Actions that I take may or may not be viewed as significant to employers, friends, or family; even though I think they are significant. The adverse is also true. Something that I think is insignificant may be very significant to someone else.

So how does that affect you as a Police Officer? I have ridden with and heard from numerous officers who fight this battle. They feel unappreciated. They feel that the community is looking for reasons to harp on them. Bottom line – they do not feel significant.

We as humans don’t have the full picture. What you see as giving directions to a lost motorist, may have enabled them to see a loved one for the last time, or the birth of a new child. By giving that kid at McDonalds a sticker or a toy badge, may have given them their first view of a cop – and made a supporter for life. Checking in on the dog bite victim even after your part of the case is done, showed that little boy that cops need not be feared, but are there to help. The little things that we consider insignificant may not have changed the world, but it changed someone’s world. Whether you are in a small town, big city, or something in between, you have likely made impact on people you are not aware of, and possibly may never know. So I want to encourage you as you read this.

I could go on for pages about why your job is significant, and why YOU are significant. But you have things to do, so I tried to be brief (If you’d like me to expound further drop me a note). For all the officers out there reading this, Dr. Mike is praying for a peaceful week for you. Safe traffic stops. I hope people see you in restaurants and pay for your food. I pray for a time of healing for the departments reading this who have had a loss in the last year. I pray that those of you making the trip to Washington will have a safe trip. For those who are making the trip to the wall to honor a fallen brother, I pray for safety and healing. But most of all, I hope there is an outpouring of appreciation form the communities that you serve.

In closing, thank you for all you do. I’ve said it before and will say it again, you all are heroes. I don’t know how often you hear it, but I’m certain it’s not nearly enough.